My Ivy Ru is a character.
She is a very intelligent little girl. Too smart for her own good most days.
Her favorites things lately....
Bubbles in her bath
Taco soup
Pool & the beach or any body of water
Ice cream cones
Spiders......bugs in general.....
Taking E (Ellie) outside to potty
Tinker Bell
Being read to
Dancing to music
Her new words!
Cracker (sounds more like crack.... )
Apple is abble to her...
Ivy has been learning so many new things the past few months. I watch her do things that I never really taught her but she has seen me do it. For instance...
Anytime we go to Target or the Commissary we always wipe down the shopping cart with a lysol wipe. Well Ivy has a toy shopping cart that she just LOVES! Well the other day (or a few weeks ago..) she went and got a wipe out of the box and headed for her cart. She wiped her cart down before she went "shopping" and this was so amazing to Richard and I! She watches us even when we don't think she is! Kind of scary huh!?
Ivy loves to help me take the clothes out of the washing machine and put them into the dryer. She loves rewarding E with a treat if she went potty outside. She loves helping me cook. She loves watching her daddy mow the yard. She loves finger painting. She is very artistic like her Mama! I could go on and on and on about Ivy Ru!
The last week we have been putting her in her crib for nap time and she has been doing AWESOME with this transition! She normally nurses to sleep so this is a HUGE change for her. Along with "crib training" I am also weaning her.... This is a very hard thing for both Ivy and myself. Ivy has slept beside me and has nursed to sleep since we brought her home from the birthing center. She has slept like a champ because of it and so have I! And waking up to her smiling face every single morning has been such a blessing to me and it's something that I am going to miss sooooooo much!
The crib training isn't as hard as the weaning for me. My milk supply has always been very abundant and now that I am not nursing her to sleep anymore my milk comes in without her needing it and then I am full of milk and miserable! I get so full my boobs are hard as rocks and have knots in them from being engorged. So I have done LOTS of research and asked my mama friends and they all suggested peppermint and cabbage leaves. Well I have had one cup of tea so far and hated it but I drank it anyway. And yesterday I put cabbage leaves into my sports bra and it felt awesome! I didn't even feel engorged until it was time to feed Ivy right before I put her in her crib and my milk came in.
This week will probably be when I take away that last feeding before we put her to bed. Last night when I was nursing her I looked at her and almost started crying because she loves nursing so much. It's a bond that only mother and child get to experience. It's something that only Ivy and I share. Nobody else has the kind of bond that we share. Nursing has been such an amazing experience for us both.
I have nursed almost 19 months and I can say I love it 99% of the time. The 1% was the first few days when my supply wasn't in yet and she nursed sooooo often and my boobs were just raw. ((TMI?)) Anyways I am sad that this chapter is coming to an end but I am looking forward to the memories ahead!
Now for the fun part of pictures of Ivy the last few weeks! :) ENJOY!
XO Meagan